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TitleDevelopment of analytical method of radionuclides in atmospheric aerosols collected on filters just after the Fukushima accident and integrated data analysis 3 - Time-series of radiocesium and radioiodine in eastern Fukushima
Alternative title福島第一原発事故直後に採取された大気浮遊粒子中の放射性核種の測定方法の開発と総合解析 3 - 放射性セシウムと放射性ヨウ素の大気中での動態
AuthorTsuruta, Haruo(Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan)
AuthorOura, Yasuji(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
AuthorEbihara, Mitsuru(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
AuthorOhara, Toshimasa(National Inst. for Environmental Studies)
AuthorMoriguchi, Yuichi(Univ. of Tokyo)
AuthorNakajima, Teruyuki(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
Issued date2017-07-05
File FormatTEXT (paper-based)
Taxonomy6-1-1-3 Radioactivity fallout/deposition
Taxonomy4-3-2-2 Radiation survey methodology
Taxonomy6-1-4-1 Tools for accident consequences analysis
Taxonomy(Computer Assigned)6-1-1 Radioactivity releases to environment   4-3-2 Off-site monitoring   6-1-4 R&D in environmental protection and restoration   
Subject/Session_nameSession:Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Information sourceGo to literature copy applicationFulltext PDF
Meeting title54th Annual Meeting on Radioisotope and Radiation Researches
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