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TitleThe main revise contents based upon the new regulation 2 - Chapter 5: Construction technique of the cover-soil, Chapter 6: The measure which should be taken for the safety control
Alternative title新規制基準に対応した主な標準改定内容について 2 - 箇条5 覆土の施工方法、箇条6 保安のために講ずべき措置
AuthorSekiguchi, Takashi(Toda Corp.)
Issued date2016-09-08
File FormatTEXT (paper-based)
Taxonomy6-2-3-1 Solids
Taxonomy1-1-3 Regulations and guides
Taxonomy1-2-2 Operating organization
Taxonomy(Computer Assigned)6-2-3 Waste management   1-1 Legislation and regulations   1-2 Organization and authorities   
Subject/Session_nameSession:Overview of the revised Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ) standarad "Soil covering procedures and post-closure controls of low level radioactive waste disposal facilities: 201X"
Information sourceGo to external webpage
Meeting title2016 Fall Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan
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collect date(WARP)2017-11-07