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TitleDevelopment of radiation imaging system using small-size light-weight Compton camera mounted on remotely operated machines 3 - Study on 3D reconstruction from Compton camera data
Alternative title小型・軽量コンプトンカメラを用いた遠隔放射線イメージング技術の開発 3 - コンプトンカメラデータを用いた3次元線源分布再構成に関する検討
AuthorMiyamura, Hiroko N.(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
AuthorKaburagi, Masaaki(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
AuthorSato, Yuki(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
AuthorKawamura, Takuma(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
AuthorIdomura, Yasuhiro(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
AuthorTorii, Tatsuo(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Issued date2017-03-28
File FormatTEXT (paper-based)
Taxonomy4-3-2-2 Radiation survey methodology
Taxonomy4-3-2-1 Radiation survey instruments
Taxonomy6-1-4-1 Tools for accident consequences analysis
Taxonomy(Computer Assigned)4-3-2 Off-site monitoring   6-1-4 R&D in environmental protection and restoration   
Subject/Session_nameSession:Health Physics and Environmental Science
Information sourceGo to external webpage
Meeting title2017 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan
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collect date(WARP)2017-12-23