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TitleDevelopment of a calculation method for atmospheric dispersion database that can immediately provide calculation results for any period and source term
Alternative title任意の期間と放出源情報に対する大気拡散計算結果を即座に提供可能な大気拡散データベース計算手法の開発
AuthorTerada, Hiroaki(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
AuthorNagai, Haruyasu(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
AuthorTsuduki, Katsunori(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
AuthorKadowaki, Masanao(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Issued date2018-09-05
File FormatPDF
Taxonomy6-1-1-1 Atmosphere (gaseous) releases
Taxonomy6-1-4-1 Tools for accident consequences analysis
Taxonomy4-4-3-1 Transferring responsibilities, data and information
Taxonomy(Computer Assigned)6-1-1 Radioactivity releases to environment   6-1-4 R&D in environmental protection and restoration   4-4-3 Transition to long term recovery   
Subject/Session_nameSession: Health Physics and Environmental Science
Information sourceGo to external webpageRelation URL
Meeting title2018 Fall Annual Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan
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collect date(WARP)2018-10-31