タイトル | 核分裂生成物化学挙動データベースECUME version 1.1 |
翻訳タイトル | Fission product chemistry database ECUME version 1.1 |
情報提供機関 | JAEA |
著者 | 性能高度化技術開発グループ |
掲載日 | 2020-03 |
言語 | eng |
ページ数 | 1p.-59p. |
種別 | report |
内容記述 | ECUME (Effective Chemistry database of fission products Under Multiphase rEaction) is the database for the analyses of FP chemistry which strongly affects all the FP behaviors in a severe accident (SA) of nuclear facility like LWR. ECUME consists of three kinds of datasets: CRK (dataset for Chemical Reaction Kinetics), EM (Elemental Model set) and TD (ThermoDynamic dataset). The present version of ECUME is prepared especially for the more accurate evaluation of cesium and iodine distribution in a reactor and release amount into an environment which should be of crucial importance towards the decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings (1F) and the enhancement of LWR safety after the 1F SA. |
情報源 | JOPSS 関連URL 関連URL 関連URL |
関連するサイト |
URI | https://f-archive.jaea.go.jp/dspace/handle/faa/211320 |