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TitleFate of radiocesium in freshwater aquatic plants and algae in the vicinity of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Alternative title福島第一原子力発電周辺の淡水域における水中に生息する水草および藻類における放射性セシウム移行
PublisherSpringer Japan
AuthorSasaki, Yoshito
AuthorFunaki, Hironori
AuthorIri, Shatei
AuthorDohi, Terumi
AuthorHagiwara, Hiroki
Issued date2016-04
DescriptionThe behavior of radiocesium (137Cs) in aquatic plants (five species) and algae (three genera) that had been grown in a river (one sampling point) and ponds (four sampling points) in the area around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant was investigated. The sediment-to-plant transfer factor (TF) was measured. For aquatic plants, the highest value was 5.55 for P. crispus from the river; the lowest was 3.34 times 10-2 for P. distinctus from a pond. There were significant differences in the values for aquatic plants belonging to the same genus. The water-to-plant TF of filamentous algae (Spirogyra sp.) and cyanobacteria (coexisting Anabaena sp. and Microcystis sp.) were 2.39 times 103 and 1.26 times 103, respectively. The 137Cs concentration of cyanobacteria fraction in pond water was 4.87 times 10-1 Bq/L, the same order of magnitude as the 137Cs concentration of pond water. Enrichment of radiocesium in cyanobacteria was not observed.
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