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TitleWater-to-freshwater-fish concentration ratios of 137Cs
Alternative title淡水魚による放射性セシウム濃縮係数
AuthorIshii, Nobuyoshi(National Inst. for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
AuthorTagami, Keiko(National Inst. for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
AuthorFurota, Toshio(Yokohama National Univ.)
AuthorKagami, Maiko(Yokohama National Univ.)
AuthorUchida, Shigeo(National Inst. for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
Issued date2019-07-03
Pagep. 7
File FormatTEXT (paper-based)
Taxonomy6-1-2-1 Impact on fauna
Taxonomy6-1-1-3 Radioactivity fallout/deposition
Taxonomy6-1-4-1 Tools for accident consequences analysis
Taxonomy(Computer Assigned)6-1-2 Impact on environment   6-1-1 Radioactivity releases to environment   6-1-4 R&D in environmental protection and restoration   
Subject/Session_nameSession:Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Information sourceGo to literature copy applicationFulltext PDF
Meeting title56th Annual Meeting on Radioisotope and Radiation Researches
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