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TitleStudies on safety improvement in nuclear power plant severe accidents: enhancement of molten core coolability and mitigation of molten core concrete interaction 6 - development of molten core spreading model
Alternative titleシビアアクシデント時の溶融炉心冷却・MCCI対策の信頼性向上に係る研究 6 - 溶融炉心の拡がり挙動の解析
AuthorHara, Nobuhide(Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
AuthorOda, Takuo(Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
AuthorYoshida, Keisuke(Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
AuthorNoguchi, Hironori(Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
AuthorTanimoto, Koichi(Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
AuthorGoda, Hiroshi(Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
AuthorTakeuchi, Junichi(Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
Issued date2020-03-18
Pagep. 1K12
File FormatPDF
Taxonomy5-1-2-2 Experimental and/or numerical analysis/simulation
Taxonomy2-2-3 Reactor core
Taxonomy2-2-4 Reactor coolant systems
Taxonomy(Computer Assigned)5-1-2 Fuel condition diagnostics   2-2 Design   
Subject/Session_nameSession IV. Nuclear Plant Technologies
Information sourceGo to external webpage
Meeting title2020 Annual Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan
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collect date(WARP)2020-11-30